Site Establishment Checklist

A quick checklist to ensure your site is setup for success.

Please complete this checklist before starting the build. This only needs to be completed on once at the beginning of each build.

Your worksite has a site sign with required information and BuilderShield site safety sign prominently displayed on the site fence.

All subcontractors have provided safety management procedures and Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) before commencing work.

Conducted a comprehensive audit for asbestos and other hazardous materials.

Confirmed receipt of Dial Before You Dig documents and ensured all existing underground services were accurately located.

Coordinated site electricity setup with a licensed electrician and ensured completion of the electrical safety register.

Maintained a fire extinguisher on site and ensured it was accessible and clearly marked.

Stored a fully equipped first aid kit on site in an easily accessible location.

Implemented robust site security measures including hoarding, fencing, barriers, and a lockable entrance.

Took time-stamped photos of all public assets such as footpaths and crossovers before starting work.

Captured time-stamped photos of neighbouring properties within the vicinity of protection works.

Provided clean drinking water accessible to all personnel on site.

Ensured the availability of a site toilet and hand washing facilities to maintain hygiene and comfort.

Clearly posted acceptable work hours at site entrances to inform the team and the public.

Posted a BuilderShield SWMS poster in a prominent location on site for easy reference.

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